Welcome to Merry Manor!

We are so excited about our new shop, and we welcome you here today. When my husband and I talked about what we wanted to do with our little Christmas shop, so many things came to mind. There was a lot of discussion about what to do and how to proceed.

In the end, we decided to just share what we like. Sell something different. Make it fun. Hope you enjoy your experience too. So that's it. Our game plan:

  • Offer Christmas decorations that you can't find in the usual places.
  • Have fun sharing it with you.
  • Bring you along for all the fun.

Oh, and kill it with lots of profit, baby!!!! It's ok to call me a capitalist, it's not a dirty word. I mean, we really like you, but we have bills too.

So we hope that you find something unexpected, beautiful, inspiring, informative, and fun in our shop today. That you find this little slice of the web a place, you can get away from whatever you need to for a few moments. And that somewhere along the way, we made you feel a bit of what Christmas can evoke in our hearts.

Now go buy something already! And subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with what's going on. (The subscribe form is at the bottom of the page.)

Until next time ---
