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Continue Shopping12 Deals of Christmas is the answer to Black Friday from the team at Merry Manor. The event includes one new item on sale at a great price each day of the event.
Deals start on Thursday, November 17, 2022 and end on Monday, November 28, 2022. Each morning a new deal will be unveiled.
No. The Deal prices are good starting on an items first day, through the end of the event or whenever it sells out.
For example, if you want the deal from day one, the sale price is good from 11/17/22 through 11/28/22 or until it sells out. If you want the deal for day 10, the sale price is good from 11/26/22 through 11/28/22 or when it sells out.
There are a few rules for the event:
There are also perks for the event:
Beginning November 17th, you can find the newest item from the 12 Deals of Christmas on our home page just under the countdown clock, or on Facebook(@merrymanorshop) and Instagram(@merry_manor_shop).
You can also return to this page for more information about each deal after they go on sale. This page will also show the previous days deals too.
Click a tab to see the deal for each day of the event