Where is our Holiday Spirit?

It is almost Halloween, and looking around my community you can not tell it. There are no decorations or lights anywhere. My husband and I still hold regular jobs while we build this business. The mood at both places is moderately glum. Stories on the news don't help either. So I wonder, have we lost our holiday spirit? Maybe.

Are we just over everything because of the way Covid has upended our lives? Are we too worried about money, so we stop living our lives to save everything we can? Possibly.

Here's what I say, don't stop living because then the pandemic wins. Instead, celebrate the holidays you love and allow their spirit into your life. I say celebrate even more. I bet you know someone with an un-birthday today, maybe its' you. In that case, Happy Un-Birthday! It is not hard to find something to celebrate. My husband and I celebrated the shop's opening with a bit of wine and some good conversation about what we hope to accomplish this year.

You don't have to spend lots of money to celebrate either. Just go to youtube and search for DIY projects for your favorite holiday. Search for free patterns and images on the internet that you can print at home for decorations and craft projects. Re-use the cardboard from food boxes, styrofoam from egg cartons, and sanitized meat trays for your supplies. Make banners with printer paper and markers, or cut out snowflakes. There are thousands of ways to make a celebration special.

So get out there and celebrate everything you can. Have some fun making decorations, buy some holiday items, and lastly, enjoy the moment with your loved ones. I hope this has motivated you to get moving and start celebrating your favorite holidays. If you are looking for inspiration and decorations for Christmas, I think we can help you out. Enjoy your shopping here, and thanks for stopping by.